Every day most of us board public transports to and from our workplaces as well as to the marker, stadium, places of interest, tour and the like.
Those who are fortunate to have their own cars are safe because they don’t experience what public transport passengers go through. The only thing they go through is traffic jam in which public transport passengers go through as well.
There is corruption everywhere and even at our lorry stations.
Every one is blaming the politician and the police of being crooks and corrupt. But little did they know that the corruption passion is engraved in every one but it takes those with strong hearts to resist it.
An experience I hard at the Nima lorry station really boasted my moral to stencil this feature article on paper.
I went to the Nima lorry station from a hard days work. I was really anxious to get home early since it has been rumored that Ghana would be playing an international friendly match with the Chipolopolo players of Zambia.
Since the game has already started, I listened to the commentary on my mobile radio whilst I hurried to get to the station in order to board the next available lorry to my house.
On reaching the market, I saw a lot of people at the station and some with huge sacks on their heads. I recalled asking a guy who was helping some of the market women upload their stuffs. I confronted this man and he showed me where my destinations queue was but promised to get me into the next available car if I am anxious to get home early. Well I taught he was just a joker so I left and joined the queue.
I realized that it was a market day.
The queue was not all that long and I countered those in front of me.
They were only 15. I said to myself that when 2 trotro appear, I will be in the latter.
I checked the time and it was half past 6.
I stood in the line as I watched 3 trotro harbored some of the people. I countered again and they were still 15.
All this while, these guys pretending to be helpers get people on board if they settle them with a note Ghana Cedi.
This ridiculous, mambo jumbo, indecent act must stop.
Why should some one join a queue for hours and the other by giving bribes and joins a lorry without joining the queue. It is not good and people must desist from that.
The giver and the receiver are all guilty of the same crime, this is punishable by law and people must desist from it.
Any one who commits this crime is also as guilty as any one who does “sakawa”
This is happening at our lorry stations and must be stopped at once. The MTTU should be up and doing and the so called “Bookmen” should also be up and doing and not only collecting petty monies from the drivers and their mates.
If this is not averted on time, there may be mayhem at our lorry stations and this will not be a good thing to write home even though this will be a good thing to write home about for Journalists.
I know about and I don’t even think this you would wish this to happen.